Easy Facebook Ads: Using Facebook ads effectively as a newb

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With big brands pressurizing Facebook to get its shit together (*as they should*) and more people at home than ever before ad costs are rising but attention is high. I know this space can feel intimidating. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. I’ve outlined a few quick tips to get you comfortable with Facebook advertising.


There are endless amounts of resources available online. This can be a blessing and a curse. A lot of the time I find that there is conflicting information and strategies depending on who you ask. Your research won’t just include finding the info you’re looking for or seeing what other businesses in your market are up to. It will also include finding reliable sources.

Look for marketing professionals that don’t just talk the talk. They should be openly sharing at least some level of their knowledge online so we can bear witness to their own magic. This is supposed to be their realm of expertise and they should be comfortable sharing their thought process before you buy.


Sometimes our big ideas get in the way of what our clients really need from us. Get super clear on what it is you are offering, who you are offering it to, and how to talk about it on an Ad. The number one element in this step is to think small. You read that right.

Oftentimes we get so excited about our own magic that we want to offer everything from A-Z on what we know. This can be very overwhelming, and quite frankly, a turn off for our people. Break your offer down smaller. Summarize your offer in sentence form with absolute clarity and only expand where necessary. Think about curiosity and laughter as you consider how to draw folks in. Your crowd will be able to hear you better and know if you’re the right fit for them. And really, that’s the magic.

INCLUDE the basics

It’s easy to spiral down a rabbit hole in the world of Facebook advertising. So many settings and variables. It can throw your grounded business approach into a tailspin if you’re not careful. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and becoming proficient in how Ads can serve your business will take some time. So, like anything else, start small and do this thing one step at a time.

If you know you want to experiment yourself instead of hiring off the bat here’s an approach:

Start with a simple carousel ad promoting your most popular (and your favorite) offering. Facebook will limit the number of words allowed in your image so go clean and simple here. Then it is time to adjust your Audience and Target Demographics. Narrow down your demographic by casting a combination of big, wide nets (North America, female, 25-55) and more specific, targeted nets (Zip Codes, likes Your Home & Garden magazine, follows Thea Ceramics, etc).

Set your budget and get that beauty out into the world to shine your business brilliance! Now, the hard part: Don’t touch it! If you keep fiddling with the ad every day, Facebook won't be able to collect enough data to give you any kind of insights, never mind helpful ones. Leave it for two weeks, let it optimize and see what you learn. After that, feel free to play around with it and see how different ads compare to one another.

GET a great GUIDE

Some of this may have felt overwhelming or you may just be ready to hire an agency and handle it for you. I get it. If this is the good kind of uncomfortable and you are excited about getting your hands into these tools consider some training and support.

Right now, George Kao reduced his
Facebook Ads course to $100. This is an affiliate link.

Finding a teacher you trust and feel in alignment with is important. It’s been my pleasure to connect those that feel genuine, and in their magic with my community. George is one of a few practitioners I recommend because he focuses on a very deliberate and thoughtful pace of business and he is also incredibly caring and kind.

There can be a lot of bullshit out there in the marketplace but George is focused on what works and does it with integrity. His Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads for Authentic Businesses course comes with access to a students-only group where you can get all your questions answered too. 

This won't be right for everyone but I wanted to share. This is an affiliate link. That never changes the price for you & I only recommend a teeny number of things I trust.

Here’s what Benita, a member of my community, had to say about the course:

"I am shocked that there is SO much that is pertinent, digestible and readily available for us at our fingertips - immediately. No regrets purchasing this class. George has a fantastic voice that is calm, comforting and yet so inspiring. The breath & stretches are welcomed surprise breaks too. Great experience!"