
I am here to help create a new world. I believe:

Telling the truth can help us heal.

We must call on the ancestors and the land to help us repair what has been broken.

Transparency matters.

Service is a way of being in the world.

Radical kindness will save us. This has to start with ourselves.

Small business can be a force for powerful, positive social change.

And lastly, these systems aren’t working for us. Many of us are here to create new systems.

Here in America white supremacy is in the water we swim in everyday. Unraveling this and healing from it is a multi-generational effort.

I am working to build a company and culture where members of my community feel valued for who they are. My intention for all my spaces is for inclusiveness, equity, and social responsibility to be a way of living and being together as opposed to a memo that gets issued.

I encourage supporting organizations that are working to build the world you want to live in. Here at Mythical HQ I highly recommend -and support- the work of First Nations Development Institute.

If our values are aligned I invite you to explore ways to work with me or join my free email list below.