Clients Only Come from Referrals: A Short Case Study

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I had a client show up at my door last week and I knew after talking with them I needed to share what happened in the form of a short case study. I’ve deliberated removed specific details for their privacy.

Ro came to me feeling clear that she had a multi million dollar business but felt that things were off. She had made a point of pursuing media mentions and PR but she was still only getting clients by referral. Which is to say, recommendations from existing clients and people in her immediate orbit.

I want to pause before I get into the blockages to say, is this you too? Are you only getting clients by referral? Or only after someone gets to know you for a while? Stick with me, please. This can help.

There are four big potential places you might be getting stuck if you are only getting clients by referral. Traffic, Messaging, Energetic Capacity, and Offer Format.

Newer business owners typically have trouble with the first two, but more advanced business owners can still have trouble with the latter two.

Let’s go through them one by one.

Traffic - the mechanism to help new people find you.

Of course it could be any number of things from having a podcast to writing/recording amazing content that meets your dream clients needs. What’s the way that people who have never heard of you before can come across you and your work?

Ro had an amazing podcast and Facebook group which would have been amazing but neither of them were named in a way that made it clear who she was trying to reach or what she was trying to help them with. Which leads us to -

Messaging - the language your dream clients use to describe their pain point they need your help to solve.

What are the words they use to describe it? A lot of business owners get stuck here because they’re on the other side of a transformation or they’ve been trained in a program and use practitioner jargon. You need to support your dream client by connecting on the problem they think they have, not the one you know is underneath it.

Ro was using language, and branding, that was focused on the “after” for her dream client so her messaging wasn’t landing. We identified the specific language and key phrases that would get the attention of her dream clients.

Energetic Capacity - the amount of energy you have available (which is sometimes reflected by space on your calendar, sometimes not).

If you’re feeling drained or your schedule is full it can be more difficult to get clients. Create capacity by tending to your inner wellspring. Maybe that looks like taking one day off a week. Or having a weekly ritual bath. Or dramatically reducing the footprint of social media in your life to protect your time. That feeling of being supported, nourished, and rested supports your growth.

Ro recognized that she wanted more clients but realized that the current pace of her growth wasn’t sustainable. Mentally she wanted more clients but her energy wasn’t ready to receive more. She realized if she wanted more clients she needed to realign her schedule, which brings us to -

Offer Format - similar to energetic capacity, an offer format that feels great is important in helping you hold the work you do and stay balanced while doing it.

Some people love to work 1:1, other people only enjoy groups. Some people love talking in real time, other people only want to work asynchronously (meaning respond at your own pace). Whatever your answer is, make sure your offer supports what you know about your strengths and preferences.

(And notice if you say, “I can do anything”. I can do lots of things too but there’s a difference between what I’m capable of and where I thrive. I’m encouraging you here to look for and move closer to the places where you feel all the way lit up, where you thrive.)

Ro was trying to bring on more clients by doing a longer term group coaching format but through our conversation she realized that this felt really heavy. Instead we came up with a series of virtual events where she could showcase her talent, conserve her energy and connect more deeply with her already busy audience.

So, how about you? Are you only getting clients by referral? Are things feeling sluggish? If you’d like my personal help you can book me for a 1:1 strategy session here.

I know that connecting the dots can feel tricky sometimes, or even embarrassing when you feel like you should have it figured out, but uncovering the fastest way for you to get all of what you want is part of my superpowers. I’d love to support you.