4 Ways The Divine Program Manager Can Help You Get Shit Done


When I first met the Divine Program Manager I had a gulp fan girl moment. You see, when I worked in national security I was hot shit. I got a tremendous amount of big work done. I was capable as fuck. I had a reputation for being the go to person when you wanted to make things happen. And I liked it.

My experience with this kind of competence is that it sees its own. It helped that I was the recipient at times of sales pitches and I had to assess on a regular basis, is this person bullshitting me or do they know what the fuck they’re talking about?

((At the time I thought of it a bit like x-ray vision, these days I think of it more as a combination of heightened self awareness and intuition))

So when I say I met the Divine Program Manager (the DPM) and I say she positively reeked competence, I mean it.

I can talk at lightning speed and she’ll get it. I can make complicated references and she understands. I can ask for 57 things and she’ll get every detail down without an error.

Who is the DPM? She’s an energetic ally, a holy helper, a representative of the Unseen. She’s one of many that I work with and she has legions of helpers that work for her so truly, no job is too big.

If you want to take a minute and feel into her presence right now, you might be able to get a glimpse of how she shows up for you!

I believe:

Working intentionally, consciously, and consistently with your Guides (including the DPM!) can change your life. Your Guides want to honor your sovereignty, including when you want to do things solo, when you ask for help you let them in, you let them work on your behalf, and this works regardless of whether or not you believe they are real.

It’s not just the DPM. It’s also the soul of your business. It’s also your spiritual board of directors. And a host of other helpers I engage with. Did I mention you don’t have to believe any of this is real?

You have so many different energetic allies. You may think you’re alone but they are always there, rooting for you, loving on you, waiting for you to ask for what you need.

So how do you work with the Divine Program Manager? Uhm, always? But seriously here are four ways to get more shit done with ease:

When you know what you want

The DPM is so good at creating options you didn’t know existed it’s best to focus on the absolute essentials. Don’t micromanage her please! Tell her what matters (I want to have a beautiful vacation) and let her delight you.

When you don’t know what you want

Let me preface this by saying there can be so much freedom in uncertainty. Don’t get me wrong, I am practiced at hating not knowing and not being in control. But the older I get and the more I am in my soulful business the more I see there is treasure in the Universe’s plan because she is so much more creative and connected than me.

So when you don’t know what you want you can ask the DPM to help you get clear, with ease and grace. Maybe you don’t know what kind of new website host you want to use, you can ask the DPM to help you clear up the options and highlight one that will meet and exceed your needs. Your job after the request is to make sure you are creating space to listen to what she says.

For piddly, mundane things

The cicada (bug) swarm here has faded but for a while there I was praying and asking for help to have a great experience going to the gym three days a week. You might think that’s in the weeds but what I know for sure is the DPM doesn’t care if the request is big or small, she cares about helping you get what you need.

For glorious, extravagant visions

I had a vision so big this spring I almost choked on it. I’ll keep it private and sacred for now but suffice to say just having it land in my brain altered what I thought of myself and how big I could become. I breathed a bit and called in the DPM. “I need your help to do this because I know for damn sure this feels so far beyond who I am right now” and she’s on it.

That might seem basic but what I notice is the Divine can make big magic happen from simple requests - and, of course, in conjunction with simple steps we take.

I believe this is because we are here in these challenging times for a reason. I believe it is because the work inside of us was put there on purpose and there are so many souls ready for our big work.

Allies like the DPM and this fierce faith in the sacred nature of business is a fundamental part of the work I do.

If you are feeling frustrated by the energy of marketing and the online business space I want you to know there is a different way. If you’d like to be part of a community where this is normal let’s work together.

Stephanie Lagana