Remember Your Truth. Rekindle Your Fire.


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→ Marketing advice that feels extreme: either hustle, grind, and dump piles of money into Facebook ads OR scrub your chakras, cleanse your aura and manifest without doing any work.

→ Feeling the feast or famine income roller coaster, caught between serving existing clients or marketing to new ones

→ Scrutinizing the latest trend or tech, and wondering yet again, is this another distraction or could it actually help my business?


When you first started your business, you were clear. You wanted to: have a steady stream of dream clients, create reliable 'damn-that-feels-good' income, and know for fucking sure you were genuinely making an impact.



But... you're tired. You're wondering if you're doing it the hard way. You've tried other programs and they were alright, but they all felt a little... off.

That’s because muggle marketing isn’t the end all, be all for people like us.

::opens coat to reveal mystical street cred badges::

When you have a Calling you need a business that supports it, because your soul came here with a plan. Standard 3D marketing strategies don’t fully get that. The typical strategies will have you hopping onto the latest trends and shiny technology or duplicating the coach’s tactics which can be a bullet train to overwhelm city.

What I know for sure is hustling to ride the latest trend, mimicking your mentor's business model, or reducing your sacred Calling to just numbers gets in the way of building the business your soul came here for.

The truth is, you need a business strategy that honors your Calling, and that means a lot of fucking magic.


drum roll or tiny kazoo noise please

IntroducING… The Soulful Business Incubator

The twelve month transformation that takes you from feeling overwhelmed, wondering if you’re focused on the right things… to bigger impact and income, with ease and grace.


I’m on my way to make six figures for the first time and I feel happy and excited - and most of all, my business feels true to who I really am and the life I want to live.

If you’re on the fence, take the leap, my friend. It was one of the best decisions I ever made - even though I was scared to invest; it paid off a million, million times more in business, and life.


The soulful business incubator is one of a kind

Unlike most business coaching programs that rely on you duplicating the founder’s business model or having their personality to be successful…

The Soulful Business Incubator is bendy and flexible. We don’t assume you are an extrovert or demand you love keynote speaking to be a success.

We will show you how to create more results, revenue, & raving fans without doing things you hate or pretending to be someone you’re not.


You don’t have to aggressively slide into stranger’s DMs to fill your program. You don’t have to post to Instagram 37 times a day. And you don’t have to organize photo shoots three times a year to prove you’re up to big things. (Unless these things feel delicious for you).

When you sign up you'll get what you need to grow your business in a way that fits YOUR Calling (including your strengths, your preferences and ALL of your magic).


The Soulful Business Incubator gives you the coaching you need to:

Grow a business that supports and is deeply aligned with a life you love, call in dream clients, and make more, while working less.

We teach you the habits, strategies, and behaviors of being a thriving business owner walking fully in their purpose. That matters, because it's not just about information, it's about how you act and think day to day.

More of a details kind of person? Same here. Let's talk specifically about what that means. 👇🏼


(This doesn't convey the magic but it's a flavor of what's inside.)

Business in the New Paradigm
You learn my method for growth including all the (counter-intuitive!) rules of being a soulful entrepreneur without the grind.

Niche + Soul Genius
You see your talents in a completely new way and understand why amazing clients will seek you out in a crowded market.

Money as an Ally
You’ll learn your Money Pattern, what to do about it, and the specific steps you need to be the CEO of a thriving, soulful business.

Energetics of Expansion
You'll learn how your Guides are leading you forward and how the Soul of your Business wants to help you heal. This will help you show up in a way that feels super-powered and clear.

Sales as Service
You’ll learn to have a sales conversation with ease and master the mindset needed to see sales as sacred and deep service. I give you scripts if you need backup and guidelines so you know what to do from the moment a call is scheduled to when your services are booked.

Multidimensional Mindset Work
You'll tune in to what disconnects and keeps you on track and understand why mindset work might not have worked for you in the past.

Systems and Tech
You'll set up or upgrade systems in life and business that support you staying in your magic and understand how to automate the rest.

Business Magic
I’ll also teach you how to set up your personal altar, use oracle cards to answer vexing business questions and connect with dream clients, plus other magical tools to call in prosperity and sweetness in every area of your life.

You'll dive deep to review all the expansion and knowledge, ensuring you can integrate with ease and keep the delicious treasure you've uncovered. This is a key step almost all courses neglect and an essential milestone so you can transition into your next level with ease and grace.


Twice a month group coaching sessions:

You’ll get the hands-on coaching you need to grow your business without the constant hustle. You’ll get laser focused on what’s holding you back, and outline the exact steps you need to grow a business that feels like YOU (not Gary Vee, or Marie Forleo, or anyone else, bless their hearts)

- Get specific answers to your business questions so you can keep the momentum strong and sustainable

- Create clarity around stumbling blocks so you can sail forward even when you don’t have questions by listening to the challenges of your peers

- Get a month’s worth of coaching in a concentrated dose so you can get shit done and spend the rest of your time on what matters most to you

Seven one on one Support Calls:

These 60 minute sessions are laser focused on exactly what you need to make the biggest, boldest moves in your business.

A year long digital curriculum:

- 'Drip release' so there's no overwhelm
- Learn when it works for your schedule
- Come back to material until you get it!
- Revisit the information as your business grows

Small client community:

- Meet kind and lovely entrepreneurs on the same journey so you can stay excited and connected about your big work

- Hear friendly voices when you need it and know you're not alone

Email support:

- Answer those "Yes, but how do I do this?" questions

Recording of group sessions:

- Catch the calls even if your schedule gets in the way

- Recordings are on a private podcast to make it easier to relisten & catch all the gems

Digital checklists for each module:

- Can print them out and tape them on your desk
- Keeps the steps clear and doable



90 Minute One-on-One Onboarding session

You’ll get individualized support and see the roadmap for your business vision.


I’ll explain share pep talks, deconstruct problems, drop love notes about opportunities, riff on the energy weather in the collective (you know, woo woo things!), and generally sparkle the shit out of your world.


These are energetic portals to help you integrate Divine energy and pour clarity into your business.


Enrollment is currently closed!


*Note: If you pay in full you’ll get a bonus 90 minute strategy session with me.

I’m Steph, founder of the Incubator

I started out with a high speed career in national security and now, have helped thousands of women ditch the stale marketing formulas. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs bring in that “fuck yes” money and make a bigger impact, without burning out.

I developed The Soulful Business Incubator to help you know exactly what steps to take to grow your business. When you join I’ll share all the juicy energetic tips and tricks to help you create a sustainable, soulful business you’re proud of.

My background as a fixer for the government meant I was constantly put into situations where I needed to locate what mattered amidst the noise and find the fastest way to get to goal. My intuitive abilities allow me to feel business energy! I’m able to laser in and detail what steps will move you forward to where your heart is calling you to go. 

I’m very skilled in finding the places where soulful entrepreneurs get stuck. Some of these things might be stuff you’ve never heard of (past life issues, energetic attachments) and some of these things might be stuff you didn’t even realize were blocks.

If you’re ready to ditch the noise about the latest marketing trend and grow a thriving business that will honor your purpose, join me and sign up for The Soulful Business Incubator. 


I've been refining it with my clients (and Guides!) since then. Even if you've already taken courses on how to grow your business you will learn (new!) tools in the Incubator to help you build a thriving business.

I am not here to bullshit you. A staggering number of businesses fail. A part of that is because the business coaching industry is so broken and treats people like clones instead of individuals with their own distinct strengths and preferences.

I could not give a flying fuck about that methodology for so many reasons, least of all that it leaves so many people behind. In my Incubator I’m teaching methods to help you find YOUR unique way to grow your business that match your energy, your style, and how you function.

I am here for: grit, courage, bravery, big magic, acknowledging the complexities of the world, and a whole hell of a lot of dedication to one’s Calling. If you are too I would be honored to have you join my community. I can't wait to help you grow your beautiful business in a way that reflects YOUR magic.


The Soulful Business Incubator teaches you the exact steps to grow a business that is uniquely YOU. Don't settle for less than the big impact your Soul came here for.


If you want to stop looking at checklists with the same dry ass strategies (gah!) and finally grow your business so it feels as good as your favorite sweater, come on down!

Even if marketing can be a bit of a mystery, even if you already have other programs gathering dust, The Soulful Business Incubator can show you how to do more of the work your soul longs to do and make great money doing it.

Get started with The Soulful Business Incubator for $900 today. 

For 12 payments of $900 you can get access to the answers you need to grow a rock solid business and say good-bye to doing those shitty business things you hate forever. 

(And yes, I totally understand for some people reading that investment might shock you. This is a high touch program, I go deep with you, and I pay myself a living wage)

That’s $30/day for 12 months for the coaching, curriculum, and support you need to finally make the impact you want, with the revenue you crave so you can create a life of freedom.  

For the cost of a daily DoorDash delivery from your local Chipotle (chips & guac included!), you can get your hands on the answers you need to: 

  • Expand your business with confidence and heart so the work you’re doing aligns with your purpose,

  • Have clarity and peace about what you need to do, and

  • Grow your business so you can work when you want (and nap, or travel, when you don’t!).

Click below to sign up for The Soulful Business Incubator - it’s your first step towards sustainably making that bigger income and impact you crave.


Enrollment is currently closed!


*Note: If you pay in full you’ll get a bonus 90 minute strategy session with me.

When I was just starting my business I was so scared and lost. The guidance I got out of the Incubator was everything I didn't know I needed to move confidently into my new life as an entrepreneur.

Whatever your hesitation, whatever is holding you back, won't be a concern once you start the program. You will gain so much clarity that those hesitations will seem like they were lifetimes ago!

I feel ecstatic about my business now. I can't believe I've built this company with my bare hands and I am so excited for the future.

Steph and her program changed my life. I owe a lot to her magic and am so grateful she showed me mine.

Cait C.
Steph has intuitive super powers!

Her work has helped dissolve my Type-A business building tendencies. Steph nurtures, guides and challenges you know to clearly reveal the soul of your business.

In just 5 weeks, I’ve gained new 1:1 clients, had 2 articles published by large websites and created space for collaboration and partnership opportunities.

Elena S.
If you feel called to work with Steph, just do it. She's amazing. Most of the business stuff I had taken before, I didn't understand it in a way that I do now, at a deeper level. Now I get what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it. Her framework is amazing.

So don't wait. Don't put it off. If you feel called to it, just do it.

Rebecca M.

An extremely important note. This program is not a good fit for you if:

Compassion is triggering for you or you’re in active crisis.

You have a history of trauma and haven’t gotten therapy or other support to heal.

You’re struggling financially or the program fee is big enough that signing up would mean you aren’t sure you can pay your bills.

You don’t understand that white supremacy is a major issue that needs to be addressed.

You think you only need to learn tech tools and don’t need to work on your mindset.

You’re not comfortable with me as a guide (salty f bombs included!).


Is the content available right away?
You can expect a new module every week. When you start The Soulful Business Incubator, the material gets released in a specific order to make sure you feel supported and held, without overwhelm.

Do I need to be intuitive? What if I’m not magical enough?
Nope, I'll help you with that. Clients (typically significantly) increase their intuitive abilities during their time in the Incubator. And trust me, you’re magical as fuck.

Do you offer refunds?
No, I do not. Please invest with enthusiasm and intention. I have put in a remarkable investment of heart energy, time and financial resources to build this program, and I make it available as lifetime access so if challenges happen you can pick the coursework up again when you are ready. To sum up, your investment is a decision to commit fully. Show up with me powerfully, I will do the same for you.

What if I haven't had any clients or I don't have a business yet?
I have years of experience helping people get started and this program can still support you but let's talk first to make sure you're a great fit for this program. Email me at hello [at] mythical enterprises [dot] com to let me know you're interested and share more details about your situation.

Is my business too big for this program? What size business is this program for?
I don't have hard rules about who enters, just guidelines. The reason being that sometimes the Divine sends me people and I know in my bones that I'm the coach for them, regardless of their business size. That said my messaging is focused on people who have made 2-10k/month and want to make more. If you're already making 15k or 20k per month, my 1:1 work is most likely a better fit for you. Send me an email and we can chat more about how I can support you best.

What if I don't fit into the community?
I know it can be scary to join a new community. But my community is fantastic. A collection of kind, caring, hilarious, friendly, magical in many varied ways, people. (99% women and I center women in all of my spaces) Attracting amazing people is one of my superpowers. In Human Design I’m a "cosmic rallying point" and when I found that out all of this magic in my communities started to make sense!

What if I need more 1:1 time than you offer?
No problem, if you realize you want more you can buy additional 1:1 calls with me. I ask my Guides to supercharge the group coaching calls so they are remarkable for everyone who listens. That said I know groups aren’t for everybody, I have a VIP option available for a small number of people. That support is by application only, you can apply for a VIP slot below.

Wait, what's in the VIP option?
Everything that you get in the Incubator plus 3 additional 1:1 calls, a 3 hour biz planning session, and additional energetic support. It's $1,250 per month and you can request a slot below.


In twelve months you could be agitated that your marketing doesn’t feel like you… Or you could sign up for The Soulful Business Incubator and get what you need to stop asking “Where are my next clients?” and start asking “Where’s my next vacation?”


Enrollment is currently closed!


*Note: If you pay in full you’ll get a bonus 90 minute strategy session with me.

Working with Steph has been nothing short of life changing. The guidance from Steph was incredibly clear and powerful. It’s very refreshing to work with someone who can walk between the physical and intangible and offer practical steps. My time spent with Steph was nothing short of miraculous. Steph is a gem!

Juliet T.
Before The Incubator, I felt stuck and struggling. I wasn’t inspired by any of the “expert” strategies, and I didn’t trust my own ideas and abilities enough to implement anything. I finished The Incubator having the most fun and passion for my coaching business, and my purpose, that I’ve ever had.

Ray D.
Steph is a bridge between the Woo and the world. She has the ability to intuitively guide her clients from the spiritual into the practical. Working with her has moved my business, and myself, leaps and bounds in a very short period of time.

Jenn W.
If you’re thinking about doing the Incubator with Steph… just do it. It's one of the best things I’ve done for myself and for my business.

I am a mom of 4 and overwhelm was my constant companion. Steph helped me find clarity. She helped me figure out who I really want to be in my business.

To connect in such a deeper way to my soul, to my purpose and to bring all of that energy into what I am doing has been magical.

Erica J.
Steph is an amazing coach. She can see through what gets in your way. Steph is fiercely loyal to your success and to your journey. She helps you to stay aligned with that vision that you have inside you.

Shellie M.
It was clear from the start that Steph did things differently. I was egged on by others saying, if you think this is for you, join, you won’t regret it! They were absolutely right.

The Incubator helped me release the crap that was blocking me. I’ve shifted so much I feel like a new person. She creates the space for you to blossom, then you start building the business that supports you in ways you couldn’t even imagine.

I thought it was going to take years of hard work to have the shifts that have happened in just weeks! Trusting her and committing to the work consistently will change your life AND it doesn’t feel like doing “hard business work.” So many good things happen if you let Steph show you the way.

Sara T.


I want you to know the big T Truth that it is possible for you to be in love with all parts of your business and have a bank account that's overflowing to boot! I would love to help you grow a business that makes your heart go boom.

I know it can be so scary to trust someone else with your Calling. My invitation to you is to consider, if I trusted myself completely, would I want to sign up?

The world is on fire, dear one. We have oceans of magic inside of ourselves. It's time for us to be showing up as the most powerful versions of ourselves in the world, and make big fuck yeah money for it too. Can you feel it in your heart? I can.

It's time. It's time. It's time.

If you have questions you can drop me a line at hello [at] mythical enterprises [dot] com

To your rise,

